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The digitalization process includes high-definition photos, video production, and NFT technology application. We carefully preserve the texture and value of the original artworks, while using advanced technology to convert them into digital form.

An exclusive NFT is a unique digital asset, based on blockchain technology, used to ensure the uniqueness and ownership of a specific artwork. This gives the artwork a unique identity, and allows it to be authentically owned and traded in the digital environment.

Digitalizing artworks preserves the texture and details of the original works, while allowing the artworks to show more possibilities in the virtual environment. In addition, digitalization makes the artworks easy to store, share and trade, and allows them to be displayed more widely in the global scope. At the same time, converting them into digital form, and giving each artwork a unique identity.

Our Web3 Hub is an integrated hub that uses Web3 technology to provide customers with an intuitive and convenient virtual museum management experience. Through Web3 technology, our Hub not only allows customers to easily manage, appreciate and display their artworks, but also provides secure digital transactions and ownership verification functions, ensuring the authenticity and uniqueness of each virtual artwork.

Public Museum is a display area for the public to preview, allowing everyone to appreciate our artworks before entering our platform or becoming a member. Collectors can choose to display their artworks in the Public Museum, allowing the public to view the metadata on the NFT, including a picture and related attributes of the exclusive NFT.

The digitalization process includes high-definition photos, video production, and NFT technology application. We carefully preserve the texture and value of the original artworks, while using advanced technology to convert them into digital form.

Private Museum is a museum that is only open to members who own TMR Arts NFTs, aiming to promote sharing and appreciation among members. Only members who hold our NFTs have the right to enter and appreciate the collections in the Private Museum. All the artworks displayed here provide all the relevant photos, but not high-definition videos. The establishment of the Private Museum aims to build the cohesion of the member community, and promote communication and sharing among art lovers.

We are committed to protecting the privacy and security of our customers. All transactions and data are protected by advanced encryption technology and follow strict information security standards. Customer information is only used to provide services, and we never share or sell personal data.

The digitalization process includes high-definition photos, video production, and NFT technology application. We carefully preserve the texture and value of the original artworks, while using advanced technology to convert them into digital form.

NFT, or non-fungible token, is a unique digital asset based on blockchain technology. In the art field, NFT is used to ensure the uniqueness, ownership and transaction record of artworks. Each NFT has a unique identity, which can be used on our platform for digital artwork management and ownership confirmation. When minting NFTs, metadata will be attached, allowing collectors or the public to easily appreciate the artworks with the metadata, including a picture and related attributes of the exclusive NFT. Moreover, TMR Arts combines the technology of our platform, enhances the relevance of physical artworks and exclusive NFTs, and uses our web3 Hub to appreciate all the relevant photos and videos of the artwork, and even 3D models. TMR Arts also provides digital asset list service, collectors can use the unique attribute of NFT, tamper-proof attribute, to create a digital asset MetaList.

Yes, we encourage communication and sharing among members. Through private museums and social functions, members can share their collections, discuss artworks and encourage each other. This helps to build an art community that is full of passion and sharing spirit.”

Our company is an art enterprise that focuses on building virtual private museums, combining innovative technology and art, to provide customers with an ultimate personalized art experience. Our core products include Web3 Hub, NFT management tool, and digitalization service for artworks. These services aim to redefine art collection and display, allowing artworks to be managed, shared and appreciated in the virtual world.

We offer services such as building virtual private museums, digitalizing artworks, and providing exhibition platforms. Through Web2 and Web3 technologies, our NFT Hub allows customers to easily manage, appreciate and display their artworks.